
Sunday, August 22, 2010


Summer is almost over and I just realized I am going to be a Junior. A JUNIOR.

That means SATs, APs, College, NHS, resumes, All- nighters, and goodies of such sort, not necessarily in that particular order.

This summer has been super exciting and super BUSY! One of the exiting (and not so intelligent, but very fun) things I got to do was walk the Brooklyn Bridge; from my internship in the city I had to take the subway to South NY NAM Pageant at the Brooklyn Marriott, so I took the 4 down and reached Borough Hall. I got off and had no clue where I was! I even asked some people for directions but they said I had to take the train back to the city, go to Brooklyn Bridge and then walk over. I was late and tired but I had to get to Brooklyn to meet my mom and sister. So, wearing jeans, carrying a massive bag, and luckily, sneakers, I walked the Bridge! I have drove over it hundreds of times but never walked!

Living in NY my whole life, I have never gone to all the "tourist places", but this summer I went to the Statue of Liberty and walked the Brooklyn Bridge. Here are some of my highlights of that day:

Then I got there, changed into a decent dress and cheered on some friends and met old ones:

"So little time, so much to do!"
(Remember that MaryKate and Ashley Show!?)

So until next time, remember,
Anger is only one letter short of Danger.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Slippery Slides

So a couple of weeks ago we had a little sleepover with my cousin's kids, it actually turned out to be pretty big. Three little kids running around and screaming, one young girl trying to be fabulous, one basketball playing boy, two teenage girls who had a lot to do! But it was fun and exciting!

We went to the park and got some Baskin Robbins before they headed home:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

We're all dreamers.

Today I had a practice SAT at Columbia University.
That place is my dream school. Whether I end up doing medicine, law, or journalism, I want to be there. I don't know the chances of me getting in, but we'll worry about that next year. ;)

The campus is beautiful! And to think its right in the middle of New York City, I don't think anybody could tell just by the campus. Well here are some pictures I got of the dream.

The SAT lasted forever, and fried my brain, so I treated myself to little Columbia University sweatshirt on the way home! :D